For Any Christian who has ever felt Confused, Bored, or Skeptical When Reading The Bible…

NEW BOOK Reveals How Any Christian, Regardless Of Their Age or Biblical Knowledge, Can Fall in Love With the BIBLE Without Needing A Theology Degree, Years Of Study, Or Giving Up Your Critical Thinking IN 2024.

NEW BOOK Reveals How Any Christian, Regardless Of Their Age or Biblical Knowledge, Can Fall in Love With the BIBLE Without Needing A Theology Degree, Years Of Study, Or Giving Up Your Critical Thinking IN 2024

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What Exactly is

It's a book that presents principles I've discovered and insights I've gained through years of research that have helped millions of Christians around the world transform their relationship with the Bible, build an unshakable faith, and experience the joy and power of God’s word.

WITHOUT feeling like you’ve to spend years in seminaries to get the best out of the Bible.

WITHOUT feeling like you have to read extremely long commentaries.

❌WITHOUT ignoring your critical thinking and leaving your brain at the door to make sense of the BIBLE

All you need is a little will and to listen to that voice inside your head telling you to give this a shot.
BECAUSE these powerful principles are easy to understand.

In fact, you can read this entire book cover to cover in just one evening with your cup of tea.

There is no fluff or extra stuff.

It's to the point and explains these powerful principles in detail.

Once you understand these principles and start reading the Bible through this new lens…
  You'll be able to engage with the Bible confidently, and you'll never have to force yourself to read out of obligation or feel lost in its pages.
  You'll go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling excited about Bible study without any guilt or confusion, and that's when you'll experience a deeper, more fulfilling faith journey.
  You’ll be able to reconcile what you’ve learned from Science with what God says in the Bible.
  You'll be able to tackle difficult passages with confidence, which will free you from doubt and frustration.
  You’ll be able to make sense of the contradictions in the Bible
Once you allow yourself to do this, it becomes a shortcut to YOUR spiritual growth.

All this is going to free you from the misconceptions that are holding you back and allow you to engage with Scripture authentically, so you never feel inadequate in your faith again.


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So, Here's why I wrote the book:
I remember how challenging it was to truly understand and appreciate the Bible, struggling with contradictions, confusion, and the nagging feeling that my faith and intellect were at odds.

So this is my way of giving back to those who want to deepen their understanding and find a more fulfilling relationship with the Scripture...

You get to skip all of the doubt, frustration, and time wasted  just focus on what truly enriches your faith.

You'll have a clear guide to approach the Bible with fresh eyes and deeper insight.

When you order your copy of The Bible Breakthrough, you get every advantage I can possibly give to someone who wants to transform their relationship with Scripture…

I often say…

“My greatest disappointment is that in my finite life, I don't have more time to enjoy the Bible.

With this book, I hope to perhaps give you a 10+ year head start on me so that you can mine the riches of the Bible for a bit longer than me.

You'll have no wasted time figuring out how to reconcile faith and reason because I've shown you a new paradigm that embraces both.

You'll have none of the confusion I had when I had to piece together a coherent understanding on my own.

You'll save yourself years of spiritual struggle and countless hours of frustration, wondering how to make sense of difficult passages.

I've done all that hard work, synthesizing insights from leading scholars and my own journey so that you don't have to.

So that you, too, can enjoy the Bible as much as you can.

In the eBook, I am revealing almost everything you need to know to UNLOCK a way of reading the Bible that makes you fall in love with it.

It doesn't matter what your current biblical knowledge is or how long you’ve been a Christian.

This works for anyone who feels disconnected from the Bible.

Because no matter who you are or where you are in your faith journey, The Bible Breakthrough reveals the exact principles to truly transform your Bible study, with no stone left unturned, in a way that anyone can use to experience the life-changing power of God's Word.

This approach is used by thousands of Christians around the world just like you…

Christians who had been struggling with the Bible for years…

And when they used the information in the eBook, they reignited their passion for the scripture and deepened their faith.

This eBook is my way of walking right beside you as a friend and showing you how you can truly fall in love with the Bible.

So yes, whether you’re wrestling with Old Testament violence, grappling with God’s judgment, or trying to reconcile seemingly conflicting accounts, the eBook is for you to find answers and experience the coherence and beauty of God's Word like never before…

So, what are these principles and insights that I keep talking about?

How did they cause this extreme paradigm shift in me?

And how are they going to revolutionize your bible reading?

To truly explain what these principles are, let me tell you how I felt when I discovered these principles...

You see, all my life, It was like I was reading the Bible through these thick foggy glasses...

Every time I opened the Bible, the words were there, but they were blurry and distorted, and they often didn't make much sense.

I knew the Bible was important, but I couldn't quite grasp why or how it applied to my life.

These foggy glasses represented years of misunderstandings, oversimplifications, and out-of-context interpretations.

They were smudged with the fingerprints of well-meaning Sunday school teachers, pastors, and authors who, despite their best intentions, had sometimes given me a limited or skewed view of Scripture.

Those foggy glasses blocked my view when I tried to reconcile science with faith...

I remember when I was in college, my childhood buddy Jake said to me:

"James, this Christian thing is not for me."

You see, we were in the same college, and we were roommates…

I remember sitting in our living room, a couple of beers between us, marking what felt like the end of an era.

I felt my stomach drop.

Jake had been my church buddy since we were kids.

We'd grown up in the same congregation, gone to the same youth camps, and asked the same questions.

And now, here he was, walking away from it all.

"James, I just can't reconcile the Bible with what I'm learning in science," he continued…
"It just doesn't add up."

I wanted to argue…

I wanted to defend the faith we'd shared for so long.

But the words stuck in my throat.

Because deep down, I understood.

I'd been wrestling with the same doubts and the same questions that Jake had.

The point is that these are the foggy glasses that most Christians read the bible with.
And they never truly fall in love with the Bible.

It took me over a decade more…

But then, when I discovered these principles that I share in this book, it was as if someone took off those glasses and replaced them with a crisp, clear pairs.

Suddenly, the words on the page came into focus.

I could see the intricate details, the beautiful literary techniques, and the rich historical context that I'd been missing all along.

With these new glasses, I began to see the Bible not as a collection of isolated stories or rules but as a grand, interconnected narrative.

I started to understand why certain passages were written the way they were and how they fit into the larger story of God's relationship with humanity.

Passages that once seemed contradictory or problematic now made sense within their proper context.

Difficult concepts became opportunities for deeper reflection rather than stumbling blocks to my faith.

But you know what?

These principles aren't some new discovery or something…

Biblical scholars have been using them for centuries.

These are the same principles that have helped countless academics and theologians navigate the complexities of Scripture…

… resolve apparent contradictions and uncover deeper meanings within the text.

But somehow, these principles don't get taught in the church, and average individuals discover them later or, worse, don't discover them all.

I have simplified them.

Explained them in a way that ANYONE can understand them.

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Here's a sneak peak of what's Inside...
WARNING: Are you reading the Bible through 21st-century Western eyes? This common mistake could be robbing you of the Scripture's true meaning and life-changing insights. Learn how to 'time travel' back to the time when the Bible was being written for accurate interpretation and experience a renewed passion for the Bible– A stronger faith rooted in proper understanding..

1. The eye-opening truth about Genesis 1: 

Discover how ancient people viewed the cosmos and why it matters for your faith today. 
If you have questions like.
 “How can that be possible when science says it was created 13.7 billion years ago? How did we go from 13.7 billion to 6000 years old?” “Are we ignoring the evidence? Are we... dumb?" 
This one truth is going to answer all of them.

2. You don't have to choose between your faith and science.

You'll start reconciling science and your faith. You'll finally find satisfying answers to your toughest questions and experience the profound joy of understanding God's Word. You’ll confidently engage in discussions about faith with skeptics and scientists.

3. The 'Divine Detective' method: 

Uncover hidden literary gems like chiasms, inclusios, and narrative patterns that will make your Bible study come alive. You'll never read Scripture the same way again!

Beyond Google:

5 essential tools that will revolutionize your Bible study. From lexicons to cultural background resources, these scholar-approved tools (that don't require a seminary degree!) will take your understanding to new heights.

“Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Psalm 137:9.”

Sounds horrible and heartbreaking? Right? That’s why you should NEVER read a Bible verse. 
Learn how to avoid this dangerous 'verse-plucking' trap. Instead, you should do this one thing I explain in the book to tackle difficult passages with confidence, which is going to free you from any doubt or frustration. 
When you implement the insights from this ebook...

 your friends and church family will be amazed by the way you explain tricky parts of the Bible and connect it all together. They'll start coming to you for help and advice, and even your pastor will notice your gift for making the Bible clear and exciting. Soon, you could be the go-to person everyone looks to for understanding God's Word better.

Why treating the Bible like a spiritual dictionary is holding you back

And how embracing it as "wisdom literature" can transform your faith, deepen your understanding, and equip you to navigate life's complexities with godly wisdom.


The ancient decoder ring that bridges the 2000-year gap between you and the biblical authors. Discover how understanding honor-shame cultures, collectivist thinking, and ancient cosmology will revolutionize your Bible interpretation.

Why the modern reader is asking the WRONG questions from the RIGHT text. 

And how you can ask the right questions to get the right answers. Once you do that, you’ll approach the Bible with the mindset of its original audience and experience powerful insights that will deepen your faith journey and make you fall in love with the Bible.
Have you ever struggled with parts of the Bible that make God seem cruel or narcissistic? 

This eBook provides a game-changing perspective that will help you see those difficult passages in a whole new light. You’ll resolve long-standing doubts about God's character. Find deeper meaning in difficult scriptures. Strengthen your relationship with God and approach the Bible with fresh enthusiasm and understanding.


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And that is why this eBook is a sincere attempt to bridge that gap…
Here is a fraction of what you’ll discover inside The Bible Breakthrough...

WARNING: Are you reading the Bible through 21st-century Western eyes? This common mistake could be robbing you of the Scripture's true meaning and life-changing insights. Learn how to 'time travel' back to the time when the Bible was being written for accurate interpretation.

WARNING: Are you reading the Bible through 21st-century Western eyes?

This common mistake could be robbing you of the Scripture's true meaning and life-changing insights. Learn how to 'time travel' back to the time when the Bible was being written for accurate interpretation and experience a renewed passion for the Bible– A stronger faith rooted in proper understanding..

Have you ever struggled with parts of the Bible that make God seem cruel or narcissistic? 

This eBook provides a game-changing perspective that will help you see those difficult passages in a whole new light. You’ll resolve long-standing doubts about God's character. Find deeper meaning in difficult scriptures.
 Strengthen your relationship with God and approach the Bible with fresh enthusiasm and understanding.

The eye-opening truth about Genesis 1:

Discover how ancient people viewed the cosmos and why it matters for your faith today. If you have questions like. “How can that be possible when science says it was created 13.7 billion years ago? How did we go from 13.7 billion to 6000 years old?” “Are we ignoring the evidence? Are we... dumb?" This one truth is going to answer all of them.

Beyond Google:

 5 essential tools that will revolutionize your Bible study. From lexicons to cultural background resources, these scholar-approved tools 
(that don't require a seminary degree!)
will take your understanding to new heights.

The 'Divine Detective' method:

 Uncover hidden literary gems like chiasms, inclusios, and narrative patterns that will make your Bible study come alive. You'll never read Scripture the same way again!

“Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Psalm 137:9.”

Sounds horrible and heartbreaking? Right? That’s why you should NEVER read a Bible verse. Learn how to avoid this dangerous 'verse-plucking' trap. Instead, you should do this one thing I explain in the book to tackle difficult passages with confidence, which is going to free you from any doubt or frustration. .

When you implement the insights from this eBook, your friends and church family will be amazed by the way you explain tricky parts of the Bible and connect it all together. They'll start coming to you for help and advice, and even your pastor will notice your gift for making the Bible clear and exciting. Soon, you could be the go-to person everyone looks to for understanding God's Word better.

You don't have to choose between your faith and science. 

You'll start reconciling science and your faith. You'll finally find satisfying answers to your toughest questions and experience the profound joy of understanding God's Word. You’ll confidently engage in discussions about faith with skeptics and scientists.


 The ancient decoder ring that bridges the 2000-year gap between you and the biblical authors.
Discover how understanding honor-shame cultures, collectivist thinking, and ancient cosmology will revolutionize your Bible interpretation."

And much, much more...
You know what the best part is?

Anyone, regardless of their age or biblical knowledge, can use these principles.
Now, by the looks of it, you’d think the book would be priced at something like $97.

It’s not unusual to charge that amount for a book that could potentially change the way Christians look at the Bible.

But my goal here is not to make money.

It is to provide Christians with principles that will help them fall in love with the Bible.

Look, you arrived on this page after seeing an ad, and while the cost of advertising is significant…

I'm committed to keeping the price as low as possible.

You'll gain access to a wealth of principles that have the power to transform your relationship with scripture for...


This modest price point allows us to cover our advertising expenses while continuing to reach an ever-growing audience, spreading these life-changing principles for engaging with the Bible.

However, as the advertising costs continue to rise, we’ll have no option but to increase its price to $25.
So this is your chancse to get "The Bible Breakthrough" at just $9.95

The Faithful Steward Money-back Guarantee:

Look, I know $9.95 isn't going to break the bank, but it's still your hard-earned cash.

And I want you to feel 100% great about spending it on this eBook.

So here's the deal: If you grab the " The Bible Breakthrough" eBook and it doesn't knock your socks off, just shoot me an email within 30 days.

I'll refund your $9.95, no questions asked.

Seriously, no awkward conversations, no hoops to jump through.

Why am I doing this?

Because I've seen how these principles have transformed people's relationship with the Bible - including my own.

I'm not interested in keeping your money if you don't feel like you've gotten way more than $9.95 worth of value.

So go ahead and give it a shot.

Worst case scenario, you're out a few minutes of your time.

Best case? You might just rediscover the Bible in a whole new way.

And hey, if you do ask for a refund, no hard feelings.

I'd love to hear why it didn't work for you - it'll help me make it better for others.

But if you'd rather not explain, that's cool too.

Now, Imagine for a second:

You, walk into a coffee shop and find people talking about the Ecclesiastes.

Someone asks you, “What do you think about this passage?”

You sit down with a smile, ready to share your thoughts…

As you speak, you see eyes light up around the table.

 "Wow, I never thought of it that way before," says one person.

Another one says "It's like puzzle pieces coming together – it all makes so much more sense now."

Later that evening, when you read your Bible at home, you're excited.

Things that once seemed daunting now invite you to explore their depths.

Time slips away as you pore over the pages, discovering new insights and revelations at every turn.

You remember when hard parts in the Bible used to worry you.

You wondered, "How can both these things be true?"

But not anymore.

Now, you're like a detective solving a mystery.

You think about when it was written, who it was for, and how it fits in the big Bible story. It all starts to make sense.

At church, your group starts studying Revelation

While others look worried, you can't wait to start.

You gently guide your fellow believers through the complexities of the text, helping them see the beauty and coherence that lies beneath the surface. Even your pastor takes notice, seeking out your input and perspective.

Even your pastor asks what you think!

Friends start coming to you for advice.

They say you seem different, more at peace.

You know it's because you now really get what the Bible is saying.

You used to feel bad when you had questions about the Bible.

Now, you enjoy thinking about tricky parts. It helps you grow and understand God better.

This new way of reading the Bible changes how you live.

You pray better, worship feels more real, and you use what you learn every day.

You're not just learning facts but really living what the Bible teaches.

The best part?

You didn't need to go to school for years to learn this.

You just needed to look at the Bible in a new way.

So let me ask you this…

Why not give YOURSELF the chance to see Jesus on every page of The Bible?

 Why not treat yourself to a Bible reading experience that brings ancient wisdom to life?

Why not make yourself eager to dive into God's Word each morning?

After all, you're only going to have this opportunity to grow in Christ ONCE, so why not make every moment count?

This isn't just about the fact that you'll finally understand the book of Leviticus.

It's not about impressing your small group with Greek word studies.

 It's not just about checking off days on your yearly Bible reading plan.

What this is really about is nurturing your relationship with the One who matters most.

It's about the person you see in the mirror every day becoming more like Christ, the person who, years from now, will look back in awe at how God's Word has shaped your character, your choices, and your entire life...

...Looking back, praising God, thinking, "Wow, His Word really is alive and active!"

So it's time for you to meet the new you - the you who finds unshakeable hope in the Psalms, practical wisdom in Proverbs, and sees God's redemptive plan unfolding from Genesis to Revelation.

And all that begins with you accepting this invitation to unlock the way the Bible was meant to be read.
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